FamilySearch Center, 1123 S. Lincoln, Corona, CA (across from Corona High School); Enter using south gate, center is in the wing closest to the handicap parking places
Sunday, 5-7 pm
Tuesday & Wednesday, 9am – noon
Thursday, 10am – 1pm
(suggestion: call first, volunteers occasionally have to change their availability – 951-735-2619)
2024 holidays: Closed over Thanksgiving weekend and Christmas Week
For other FamilySearch Centers, Libraries, and Affiliates, Check on the website.
For Information on ships & your family history (thanks to Carolyn Farmer, Colorado Student Success)
For Europe research (thanks to Joel Laurel, Marketing Specialist, OurPublicRecords) – note: some links may involve fees for document retrieval or other research assistance and consultation; suggestion: research locations thoroughly before entering any credit card data or pay any fees.
VIDEO EDITING TIPS FOR FAMILY HISTORY VIDEOS: Suggested by Girl Scout Lily Bass, who has used this site to help in her Family History project. Thanks to Lily and her mother Michelle for suggesting this helpful resource
GENEALOGY FOR KIDS: Suggested by Isaac S., found while working on his family tree for a Boy Scout merit badge; good source for genealogy ideas for kids & endorsed in one way or another by some of our genealogist friends (i.e., Thomas MacEntee, Melissa Barker, Denise Levenick, & more):
AAA State of Play
Suggested by youth services librarian and educator, LouAnne Taylor, and one of her students: A Landlord’s Guide to Researching Property History
Suggested by Charlene Stagle, Hampton Public Library, Hampton, New Hampshire – Researching a House History on the Home Advisor Website
March 2018 speaker, Randi Bowles Meentzen – blog with links she talked about at the meeting (check back often for updates):
The Glamorous Genealogist
Honest Product Reviews link for DNA test results overview: 5 Best DNA Tests
Orange Regional Family History Library Class Schedule Learning Resources: articles, video lectures, and discussion forums
